Saturday, February 20, 2010

A Prayer for I Cor 12:7-11 Spiritual Gifts Based on St. Alphonsus Liguori – 1696 A.D.

Holy Spirit , Ineffable Comforter I love you,
I love Jesus Christ whom you reveal
I give You my whole life. I surrender all to You.

As you spoke through Paul, I will obey and “earnestly desire the higher gifts”
I don’t fear shame or risk pride by asking. You love me & will give me good gifts, glorious, numberless, wonderful. With faith I ask believing I have received.

Giver of grace and all supernatural gifts,

Grant me the gift of Speaking in Tongues
So that I may praise you in the secret place in unknown languages & groanings beyond words, Ascending words with thousands upon ten thousands cherubim & seraphim, six winged, many eyed, soaring aloft, twenty-four elders, four living creatures and a vast limitless multitude of glorified saints. Above all grant me fervent love that my words may not be a clanging cymbal but the voice of a son to a Father.

Grant me the gift of Interpreting Tongues
So that Christ may be known to those who know Him not, that lifting Him up; both His death for sinners and His 3rd day resurrection, Nations may look upon Him whom they have pierced and believe, and as they unite in Christ’s Kingdom, Babel is reversed

Grant me the gift of Prophecy
To build Christ’s church, console the weary and strengthen the saints, to disclose the hearts of unbelievers who enter that they may fall on their face knowing truly truly Christ is risen and among us and may worship Him. Gracious Father, guard me especially from delusion, thinking myself great when I am nothing.

Grant me the gift of uttering Words of Knowledge
So that I may reveal secrets like Jesus who spoke mysteries to the Canaanite woman and she who drew water from a well, because of his “Word of Knowledge” tasted Living Water and believed on Him, and from the water drawn from the Savior, the Samaritan city drank of Christ never to thirst again.

Grant me the gift of Words of Wisdom
So that purified and sweetened by you Holy Spirit, my tasting of honey words may guide souls, to the averting of disaster, to the removing of confusion as Solomon and to wisely and humbly leading as Moses and the 70.

Grant me the gift of Faith,
So that I may cast even mountains in the sea, delivering children back from the dead, guiding nations from captivity, conquering kingdoms and exasperating enemies of Christ in exploits like David’s mighty men

Grant me Discerning of Spirits That I may know light from darkness, the Holy Spirit, and the holy angels, from evil demons and distinguish the true Lord Jesus Christ from delusions, knowing the wolf disguised in sheeps clothing and the deceits of the devil, who comes as an “angel of light”, and with Elisha the Prophet and two-thirds of all created angels saying in joyful victory “there are more with us than with them”

Grant me the gift of Healing,
So that “laying my hands on the sick, they will recover”, that with Christ who showed, commissioned and sent his disciples, I may go as one sent, to do “greater works” and not as “healers” who fall away into idolatry of self, the love of money, and empty deceit, but in humility crediting God alone and say, “do not stare at me, as though by my own power or piety I had made them well. The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob has done this by His Son Jesus, by faith in His Name” Repent and believe on Him who was pierced for our transgressions for from His wounds flow cleansing blood which heal sin, banish the devil, and heal disease.

Grant me to work Miracles, So that men may know “God is with us” Immanuel, Jesus Christ whom the Father sends; and knowing our good deeds may praise Him who is in Heaven.

God, our Father, Abba, I ask in faith knowing you will not give your child a “scorpion” if I ask you for an “egg”. But rather you say “Ask and it will be given” Seek and you will find. Holy Spirit come.

1 comment:

  1. Fr Seraphim Rose himself was never in schism with the Orthodox Church . It was 1 year after his repose that the new Abbott of St Herman went into schism with ROCOR and the Orthodox Church .read this :
    The teaching of Fr Seraphim is affirmative with the Orthodox tradition and the Holy Fathers like for ex. Archbishop Averky and St John of Shanghai and San Fransisco .
    However we now can see that the Greek Orthodox Church in America have been more liberal in many question .
    The EP Bartholomew has from his beginning went from heresy to heresy . The Greek Orthodox Priest You quotes is not affirmative with other Theologians of our time for ex . Metr. Hierotheos Vlachos .
